Healthy Water INC
Company Name | Healthy Water INC |
CEO | Akira Kashiwase |
Address | 757 Matsuda-cho Tochigi, 326-010 Japan |
Telephone | 0284-61-1881 |
FAX | 0284-61-1047 |
URL | | | |
Established | March, 1992 |
Capital | 40 million yen |
Number of Employees | 10 |
Business Description | *Mineral water manufacturing and distribution *Gallon bottle distribution@ *Water server rentals |
Patents | July 13, 2010: Stackable Bottle patented in the United States Patent No.US7,754,138B1 |
Design Registration | Packing Container: reg# 1187671 Packing Container: reg# 1227929 |
Banks of Account | The Gunma Bank Ashikaga Branch, Ashikaga Oyama Shinkin Bank |
©Stackable Water Bottle Distribution US Patented Galon Bottle All Rights Reserved.